
Each All-Star season culminates with a concert tour that generally includes at least one college visit en route.
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  1. Tour

We Reach Our Annual Peak of Excellence During Our Tour

Most years, the All-Star Brass Bands participate in a tour, and costs are additional to our annual tuition.  Students have the opportunity to participate in optional fundraising programs to defray their tour costs, but the organization as a whole solicits donations and sponsorships to apply to our total tour expense upfront so that we can decrease the per-person cost expected of our students.

Our 2023-2024 Season Tour is yet to be determined, but both Lincoln Center in NY (our 2014 Carnegie Tour included a rehearsal with Wynton Marsalis) and Carnegie Hall have both issued invitations.  We’ll make a decision and announcement soon. But what exciting decisions we have to make thanks on the talent and dedication of our members and staff.

Past tours have included:

  • 2022-2023 Season – Gettysburg Brass Band Festival (the only youth band invited)
  • 2021-2022 Season – Washington DC Monuments Tour
  • 2020-2021 Pandemic
  • 2019-2020
  • 2018-2019
  • 2017-2018 Season – Carnegie Hall- Isaac Stern Auditorium, The New York International Music Festival
  • 2015-2016 Season – Ohio Island Tour
  • 2014-2015 Season- The Great American Brass Band Festival (Danville, Ky.)
  • 2013-2014 Season – Carnegie Hall Tour – The Sequel
  • 2012-2013 Season – We again traveled to NABBA (Cincinnati, OH again)
  • 2011-2012 Season – We traveled to Toronoto and competed for the Hannaford Cup at the Hannaford Silver Street Brass Festival. We also returned to the NABBA Competition in nearby Cincinnati, OH.
  • 2010-2011 Season  – Our 25th Anniversary Year, and we were excited about many new things – a new rehearsal location, a new day and time for our rehearsals, and the start of a long-time idea: All-Star Dinner Theater.  Because we had little financial assistance for our Carnegie Hall Tour, and it was a financial hardship for many of our families, we decided to stay at home for the 2009-2010 season. We lost a lot of seniors, and it was time to rebuild our program.
  • 2008-2009 Season – The Inagural Carnegie Hall Tour
  • 2007-2008 Season – Invited to perform at the OMEA Professional Conference and Hannaford Silver Street Brass Festival (Toronto, CA)
  • Previous Seasons – NABBA Competitions

Our time is so limited – in about 19 rehearsals, we take our musicians from all over Central Ohio to learn and create beautiful music. What time we don’t spend in our rehearsals, our students are occupied actively in their individual band programs, academics, and local communities.

What can you do to help us with our Tour programs?

  • Help us reach the media and corporate sponsors.
  • Help us reach known philanthropists or organizations who might see this as something they could support.
  • Help us obtain the assistance of local, regional, and State government officials and local Chambers of Commerce.

Contact Dr. Aho directly at 614-562-4189 (cell phone) to discuss how you can help support the All-Stars.

If you already know you are willing to provide support, please send your check payable to:

The All-Star Brass Bands Educational Fund, Inc.*
c/o Dr. Eric Aho, Director / Founder
25 Mound Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110

The suggestion is that you write Donation to EIN 31-1698042 in your check memo.

*The All-Star Brass Bands Educational Fund, Inc. is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization and any donations are tax-deductible