Nomination Info for Veterans
Prepare for the 2023-2024 season with the latest information. Nomination FormAttention All-Stars – Nomination Info for Veterans:
You should have received a copy of this information in the mail, but if misplaced or not received, view and download below.
- Letter to Veteran Members
- Information Sheet
- Handbook
- All-Star Schedule - Subject to Change
- Nomination Form
Letter to Veteran Members
Information Sheet
Handbook- Updating
All-Star Schedule – Subject to Change
Nomination Form
Our online Nomination Form enables nominating up to 10 students with one submission. While an email will be automatically sent to each nominee IF you provide their email address, please be sure to quickly let your nominees know you have taken this action so they are 1) not surprised when we contact them with an audition time and 2) can be prepared properly for their audition.
If you prefer to nominate by traditional mail, make sure you get your form in the US Mail in sufficient time to reach us by the deadline! Give local mail at least two (2) full business days!