Nomination Info for Directors

The latest information about the All-Star 2023-2024 nomination process.
Nomination Form
  1. Nominations
  2. Nomination Info for Directors

For Colleagues

All-Star Nomination Information for Directors (and Private Music Teachers):

While letters were sent to many band directors and music teachers, in the event you did not receive or need another copy, you can view and download nomination info for directors below.



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Our website includes a more advanced Nomination Form that enables submitting up to 10 students at once.  If you know the student’s email address, our system will send them a notice of their nomination.  However, you will receive an email with all the information provided in your online nomination.  We encourage you to inform your students of their nomination as soon as possible and direct them to our website to not only learn more about our organization, but also so they can review our audition requirements, access free audition music and audition advice.

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