
All members must be nominated. New prospective members can be nominated by their Band Director, Private Music Teacher or an All-Star Veteran. Veteran members can self-nominate.
Nominate a StudentAuditions
  1. Nominations

Nominate Now — Beat the Deadline!

» Nominations are required in order to receive a scheduled audition.

» Prospective nominees should be asked beforehand to ensure their genuine interest.

After nominating a student, please make the nominee(s) aware of your action so that they can prepare for their audition and not be caught off guard when we phone or email to schedule an audition time.

All musicians must be nominated.  All-Star candidates must be nominated by one of the following:

  • School Band Director
  • Private Music Teacher
  • All-Star Veteran

Veteran All-Stars may nominate themselves but must complete the nomination form in order to receive their audition scheduled.

For the 2024-2025 All-Star Season, the Nomination Deadline is Oct. 24, 2024.

You may nominate as many students as desired.

Nominate via Web Form

Our web form provides the ability to nominate up to 10 (ten) students with a single submission (and you will receive an email of your nomination details as a record and reminder to notify nominees).

Please be advised that the form will not be accessible initially after the deadline, but Dr. Aho may opt to accept additional nominations depending upon the total response rate.

Contact him directly (Dr. Aho (614) 562-4189 ) or look for updated information on both our home and this page about any online extensions to the deadline.


Nominate by Mailed Form

Our preferred method for nomination is by Web Form.  However, it is also possible to mail your nominations.

Mail your nomination forms for receipt no later than the 2024 deadline.

All-Star Brass Bands Nominations
c/o Dr. Eric Aho
25 East Mound Street
Canal Winchester, OH 43110



Upon receipt of on-time nominations, we will contact each nominee to arrange their Audition on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024 (conflict date Sunday, Nov. 3, 2024, by appointment with our Business Manager.)


We do not have an updated Handbook published for the 2024-2025 season, however, our previous issue is valid for all the key policies.

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