
For our organization to remain successful, we must receive tuition and other fees on time and in full.
What is Tuition?Are Scholarships Available?
  1. Membership
  2. Tuition
  3. Fee Payment Policies

Timely Payments Aid Organizational Success

For our organization to remain successful, we must receive tuition and other fees on time and pay in full.  This is imperative for a student to remain in good standing and continue participation.

We are more than willing to work with families who have financial issues, and for this reason, we offer limited scholarships so long as we are not saddled with loss of revenue from students who do not pay their fees.  We stress that our ability to offer scholarships is based on the timely payment of fees by all others.



When a student leaves the organization – whether due to their graduation or because they wish to leave, no refunds will be offered.

  • Students must return their music folder (intact) and instrument immediately in perfect working order without any damage.
  • We will pursue all legal avenues to retrieve our property.

Additional Fee Payment Policies will be added soon.

Please read our Handbook*.

*Note the new Handbook for the 2023-2024 Season is not yet published.  However, you can review an earlier handbook for generic information realizing there may be differences.  Archived Handbook [pdf]