
As funds are available, scholarships may be available to help those eligible defray their fees.
What is Tuition?Fundraising Options
  1. Membership
  2. Scholarships

Limited Availability Scholarships

Scholarships are made available on a limited basis to the extent our organization can afford to provide to those who have special financial needs.  Tuition is due on the first day of rehearsal, and we no longer have the ability to extend payment plans. Over the years, making exceptions has proven to be problematic for our staff (volunteers!) to administer.  Unfortunately, those in the past who have abused generosity have made matters more difficult for all in the future.

The Process

We do not have an official Scholarship Application.— students and parents must instead write a letter to Dr. Aho explaining the need for scholarship assistance.  All information received will remain confidential.

The letter should be directed to Dr. Aho, and all information contained within is confidential.

Scholarships are normally awarded, if available, in mid-January. In the meantime, monthly payments toward tuition should be made.

Full scholarships are not available. The scholarship amount is typically based on the fundraising effort the student has made on their own behalf and the number of scholarship applications received.

Recruiting Scholarships

Recruiting scholarships are also available if and when openings occur or have not been filled through the audition process.

These scholarship opportunities are announced to veterans in their letters from Dr. Aho and new members during the first rehearsal and through email to parents.

Take full advantage of this great tuition reduction opportunity. 

You get $50 for every new member and $100 for tuba, euphonium, and percussion players that you nominate and who make the band and become members in good standing.

Scholarships, as well as an individual member’s Fundraising revenues, can not only reimburse Tuition paid, but also offset Tour Expenses!  We’ve had ambitious members in the past who have fully funded their tuition and tour expenses and then received a surprise check from us during the summer (or a credit toward the next season).