Audition Requirements

Brass and Percussion musicians have some specific requirements, and when met, determine membership and band placement.
Audition MusicAudition Advice
  1. Auditions
  2. Audition Requirements

Get the details on our Audition Requirements:

We have some overall requirements for all ages, regardless of whether brass or percussion, as well as specific requirements for brass in age ranges. We have FREE music available for download for those students without access. Please also review our Audition Advice and Seating Policies.

General Requirements of All Ages

  1. Each student must audition each year whether new to the organization or a veteran.
  2. Placement in our various bands, seat assignment and instrument designation are made as the result of the audition outcome.
  3. Those who do gain a seat in one of our bands do have the opportunity to “Challenge” a few times per year to seek advancement to a higher position. We encourage the attainment of excellence in musicianship and character.

While the word audition tends to summon up fears, students planning to audition should feel reassured that the atmosphere is friendly and not intimidating. We understand that students may be a little nervous. Those involved in adjudicating the auditions have considerable experience with students. As our bands are performance-based, those who audition should feel comfortable about performing in an ensemble. Those who are especially at ease with solo and lead roles will receive the most consideration for commensurate roles within our bands.

» Get audition music.

Brass, Grades 7-9


  • Each student is required to perform 2 major scales of their choice from memory.
  • The student must also play a one-octave chromatic scale, up and down the octave. Student may start on any note.

Prepared excerpts:

  • Two, 16-32 measure excerpts from band music, solo and ensemble literature, or etudes, to show lyrical and technical abilities. Current concert band audition material is a wise choice
  • One lyrical and one technical piece are required.


  • Three short etudes, selected by the auditioner will be required of all nominees.

» Get audition music.

Brass, Grades 10-12


  • Each student is required to have memorized all major scales up to 4 flats and 4 sharps. The auditioner will ask for two of these scales.
  • Student may take a tempo of their choosing.
  • The student must also play a two-octave chromatic scale, up and down the octaves. Student may start on any note and take a tempo of their choosing.

Prepared excerpts:

  • Two, 16-32 measure excerpts from band music, solo and ensemble literature, or etudes, to show lyrical and technical abilities. Current concert band audition material is a wise choice.
  • One lyrical and one technical piece are required.


  • Three short etudes, selected by the auditioner, will be required of all nominees.

» Get audition music.

Percussion, All Grade Levels

* All percussionists are expected to demonstrate ability on keyboard instruments as well as snare drum and tympani.


  • Each student is required to have memorized all major scales up to 3 flats and 2 sharps. The auditioner will ask for two of these scales.
  • Student may take tempo of their choosing.
  • The student must also play a two-octave chromatic scale, up and down the octaves. Student may start on any note.
  • Student may take tempo of their choosing.
  • Bells, xylophone, or marimba will be provided for this exercise.

Prepared excerpt:

  • Two, 16-32 measure excerpts from band music, solo and ensemble literature, or etudes. Current concert band audition material is a wise choice.
  • Select music from one keyboard instrument and one percussive instrument.


  • Three short etudes, selected by the auditioner will be required of all nominees

» Get audition music.