Audition Music

Download free audition music to practice and play, as required, by your instrument.
Audition RequirementsAudition Advice
  1. Auditions
  2. Audition Music

Do you need Audition Music?

We now have major and chromatic scales (fingered!), as well as a selection of lyrical and technical etude excerpts at varying levels for all instruments.

The “Collection” document includes all Scales and Etudes for the instrument.

Some instruments use the same music, e.g., Bb Trumpet, Baritone Treble Clef, and Euphonium Treble Clef.

TC = treble clef

BC = bass clef

All are presented for download in convenient PDF format and should open in a new browser window or tab so this page remains visible in the event you wish to download multiple files.

We have also included a Master Audition Collection as a handy resource for Band Directors, Private Teachers, and Students in one convenient download.

You can quickly navigate the instruments on this page with the jump menu below.


High Brass Audition Music

Low Brass Audition Music

For some instruments, we provide both Treble and Bass Clef options. All All-Star musicians learn to proficiently read Treble Clef – even Tubas, as the literature from the UK is written this way. Knowledge of Treble Clef prior to audition is not a requirement for low brass players – we will teach you.












[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” color=”#dd3333″] Tech3-Tuba.pdf

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” color=”#dd3333″] Tech4-Tuba.pdf

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” color=”#dd3333″] Tech5-Tuba.pdf

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” color=”#dd3333″] Tech6-Tuba.pdf

[udesign_icon_font name=”fa fa-file-pdf-o” color=”#dd3333″] Tech7-Tuba.pdf[

Tuba Collection

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Download [1.98 MB]

Master Audition Collection

Master Collection

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Download [10.72 MB]